[visionlist] Call for papers – IJCV special issue on sparse coding

Dear collegues,

we are pleased to inform you of the following special issue on sparse coding of the international journal of computer vision (IJCV).  We are welcoming contributions developing novel sparse coding techniques for computer vision and image processing problems, novel applications of sparse coding, as well as theoretical contributions that are relevant to computer vision.

The submission deadline is January 31st, 2014.

For more information, please see the call of papers below, and feel free to contact the editors of this issue for further questions.

Click to access call.pdf

Best regards.

Francis Bach

Miki Elad

Julien Mairal

[visionlist] 24th Intl Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN 2014)

1st Call for Papers
1st Call for special sessions, workshops, demonstrations


ICANN 2014: 24th Annual Conference on Artificial Neural Networks
15 – 19 September 2014, University of Hamburg, Germany


The International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN)
is the annual flagship conference of the European Neural Network
Society (ENNS). In 2014 the University of Hamburg will organize
the 24th ICANN Conference from 15th to 19th September 2014 in
Hamburg, Germany.


Christopher M. Bishop (Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK)
Yann LeCun (New York University, NY, USA)
Kevin Gurney (University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK)
Barbara Hammer (Bielefeld University, Bielefeld, Germany)
Jun Tani (KAIST, Daejeon, Republic of Korea)
Paul Verschure (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain)


General Chair:
Stefan Wermter (Hamburg, Germany)
Program co-Chairs
Alessandro E.P. Villa (Lausanne, Switzerland, ENNS President)
Wlodzislaw Duch (Torun, Poland & Singapore, ENNS Past-President)
Petia Koprinkova-Hristova (Sofia, Bulgaria)
Cornelius Weber (Hamburg, Germany)
Timo Honkela (Helsinki, Finland)
Local Organizing Committee Chairs:
Sven Magg, Johannes Bauer, Jorge Chacon, Stefan Heinrich, Doreen
Jirak, Katja Koesters, Erik Strahl


Hamburg is the second-largest city in Germany, home to over
1.8 million people. Situated at the river Elbe, the port of Hamburg
is the second-largest port in Europe. The University of Hamburg is
the largest institution for research and education in the north of

The venue of the conference is the ESA building of the University
of Hamburg, situated at Edmund-Siemers-Allee near the city centre
and easily reachable from Dammtor Railway Station. Hamburg Airport
can be reached easily via public transport.


ICANN 2014 will feature the main tracks Brain Inspired Computing and
Machine Learning research, with strong cross-disciplinary
interactions and applications. All research fields dealing with
Neural Networks will be present at the conference.
A non-exhaustive list of topics includes:

Brain Inspired Computing: Cognitive models, Computational
Neuroscience, Self-organization, Reinforcement Learning, Neural
Control and Planning, Hybrid Neural-Symbolic Architectures,
Neural Dynamics, Recurrent Networks, Deep Learning.

Machine Learning: Neural Network Theory, Neural Network Models,
Graphical Models, Bayesian Networks, Kernel Methods, Generative
Models, Information Theoretic Learning, Reinforcement Learning,
Relational Learning, Dynamical Models.

Neural Applications for: Intelligent Robotics, Neurorobotics,
Language Processing, Image Processing, Sensor Fusion, Pattern
Recognition, Data Mining, Neural Agents, Brain-Computer
Interaction, Neural Hardware, Evolutionary Neural Networks.


ICANN 2014 invites workshops covering current research in neural
networks. A workshop proposal should include: title, outline,
expected enrollment, and organizer biography.

The ICANN 2014 Program Committee solicits also proposals for special
sessions within the technical scope of the conference. Special
sessions, to be organized by international recognized experts, aim to
bring together researchers in special focused topics. Papers submitted
for special sessions are to be peer-reviewed with the same criteria
used for the contributed papers. Proposals should include the session
title, a brief description of the scope and motivation, biographic
and contact information of the organizers.

We invite you to submit proposals for Workshops and Special Sessions
to the following email address: ICANN2014@informatik.uni-hamburg.de


Papers of maximum 8 pages length will be refereed to international
standards by at least three referees. Accepted papers of contributing
authors will be published in Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in
Compute Science (LNCS) series. Submission of papers will be online.
More details are available on the conference web site.


ICANN 2014 will host demonstrations to showcase research and applications
of neural networks. Demonstrations are self-contained,
i.e. independent of any presented talk or poster. For a demonstration
proposal, we request a 1-page description of your demonstration and
its features. Later, you will communicate which resources (space /
duration / projector / internet / etc.) you require. Decisions about
demonstrations will be made within two weeks after submission
deadline. A full conference registration is required for the

We invite you to submit proposals for Demonstrations to:


As in previous years, the European Neural Network Society (ENNS) plans
to offer around 10 student travel awards of 400 Euro each for students
presenting papers. Only papers that have been considered positively
by at least two reviewers can be considered. The selection considers
only papers that have been accepted and is based on the ranking
established by the referees during the procedure of paper evaluation.

The deadline for sending the Travel Grant application (that includes
a Letter of Interest to the PC chairs, Studentship Proof and detailed CV
of the candidate) is the 14th of April, 2014. The award will be sent to
the student by 28th April and paid during the conference. More details
will be provided on the website nearer the time.


Special session / workshop proposals: 15 January 2014
Submission of full papers: * 17 February 2014 *
Notification of acceptance: 7 April 2014
Submission of Demonstration proposals: 21 April 2014
Camera-ready paper and registration: 5 May 2014

Conference dates: 15-19 September 2014



Professor Dr. Stefan Wermter
Chair of Knowledge Technology
Department of Computer Science
University of Hamburg
Vogt Koelln Str. 30
22527 Hamburg, Germany


[visionlist] 2014 ACM Int’l Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2014) – Call For Multimodal Grand Challenges

[visionlist] CfC-Springer Book:Computer Vision and Machine Learning with RGB-D Sensors

Dear colleagues:

After a successful special issue on IEEE T-Cybernetics (computer vision for RGB-D sensors http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/mostRecentIssue.jsp?punumber=6221036), we would like to edit a Springer book, which intends to collect the most recent innovations in RGB-D based computer vision and machine learning fields. Here is the call for book chapter.


[visionlist] Postdoctoral/Research Assistant position in Experimental/computational Vision/Neuroscience available in University College London (UK)

The laboratory of Zhaoping Li in University College London (UK) has such
a position opening. The research interest of her lab is mainly focused
on vision, using both computational and psychological methods. It is not
necessary for a candidate to be skilled in both the computational and
experimental aspects, but must be skilled in one of them. The lab also
collaborates with other researchers including those working on
physiology and functional fMRI, and research projects beyond vision are
also of interests. More details of the research interests are at
http://www.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/Zhaoping.Li/ We are looking for a talented
individual for a position which is for about 2 years and renewable.
Interested individuals please contact Zhaoping Li at z.li@ucl.ac.uk,
send a CV and a Statement of Research Interests to apply.

[visionlist] PhD position in Attention available at University of Sussex, UK (Sophie Forster)

A PhD Studentship on the topic of individual differences in attention is available at the University of Sussex.

Project title: Vulnerability to attention problems – beyond cognitive control.

Supervisor: Dr Sophie Forster (School of Psychology, University of Sussex)

Candidates must have, or expect to obtain, a First or a high Upper Second Class Honours undergraduate degree, or equivalent qualification, and/or a Master’s degree in Psychology or a related discipline. Candidates may not be eligible for the full award if they do not meet UK residency requirements.

Further details of the project, funding, eligibility and the application process can be found at:


If you wish to discuss the details of this PhD project further, please contact Dr Sophie Forster: S.Forster@sussex.ac.uk

[visionlist] Job Opportunities at the Swiss AI Lab IDSIA

Join the Deep Learning team that won more international competitions in machine learning and pattern recognition than any other research group [1-6], and the first team to create superhuman visual classifiers [2]. We are at the Swiss AI Lab IDSIA [7], in the world’s leading science nation [8], also the world’s most competitive country for the 5th year in a row [9] – since 2009, when our neural networks (NN) became the first Deep Learning systems to win official international contests [5]. We are especially interested in candidates applying for our prestigious Marie Curie Experienced Researcher Fellowship connected to the ProtoTouch project (a postdoctoral position) [10]. We offer a highly competitive Swiss salary. Please follow the instructions [11]. Deadline 8 December 2013 (right after NIPS).

[1] Deep Learning since 1991 – our deep NN have, so far, won 9 important contests in pattern recognition, image segmentation, object detection http://www.deeplearning.it

[2] First superhuman visual pattern recognition in an official international competition (with secret test set known only to the organisers) – twice better than humans, three times better than the closest artificial NN competitor, six times better than the best non-neural method http://www.idsia.ch/~juergen/superhumanpatternrecognition.html

[3] Our deep NN won both the MICCAI 2013 Grand Challenge and the ICPR 2012 contest on Mitosis Detection (important for cancer prognosis etc, perhaps the most important application area of Deep Learning)http://www.idsia.ch/~juergen/deeplearningwinsMICCAIgrandchallenge.html

[4] Our deep NN won the ISBI’12 brain image segmentation challenge (relevant for the billion € brain projects in EU and US) http://www.idsia.ch/~juergen/deeplearningwinsbraincontest.html

[5] 2009: First international competitions won by Deep Learning (deep LSTM recurrent neural networks for connected handwriting) http://www.idsia.ch/~juergen/handwriting.html

[6] Overview: My first Deep Learner of 1991 + Deep Learning timeline 1962-2013 (also summarises the origins of backpropagation, still the central algorithm of Deep Learning) http://www.deeplearning.me

[7] The Swiss AI Lab IDSIA http://www.idsia.ch/

[8] The world’s leading science nation with the most Nobels/patents/citations/funding per capita

[9] Global Competitiveness Reports 2009-2013 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_Competitiveness_Report

[10] ProtoTouch project http://cordis.europa.eu/projects/rcn/105932_en.html

[11] Get a job! http://www.idsia.ch/~juergen/eu2013.html

[visionlist] Special Issue of Vision Research: Computational Models of Visual Attention

Computational Models of Visual Attention

Visual attention has been the topic of intensive research in
the last three decades. Computational approaches to study vision
and cognition aim at precisely specifying theories and
mechanisms, generating testable quantitative predictions and
bridging behavioral and physiological approaches. In the last
fifteen years, the computational approach has heavily permeated
the study of visual attention with investigators proposing a
growing number of computational models aimed at explaining the
influences of covert attention on perceptual behavioral
performance and neurophysiological responses as well as
predicting movements of overt attention (eye movements). These
models span different specialty journals spanning many research
areas. Yet, the relationship among the immense number of
computational approaches, the varying functionalities of the
attention mechanisms in the models, and the specific domains of
validity for each model remain elusive.

This special issue aims at bringing together computational
approaches to the study of visual attention originating from the
various subfields including but not restricted to: cognitive
psychology, visual psychophysics, neurophysiology, cognitive
neuroscience, computational neuroscience and machine learning
and computer vision.

Papers are invited on all aspects of visual attention with
emphasis on work bridging various approaches and comparing
different modeling frameworks. Of special interest is research
that integrates behavior with physiology within a computational
framework. It must be clear within each submission what elements
of visual attention behavior and/or neurophysiology are
explained by the described model. Of additional importance is
the presentation of the model’s predictive power for new
experimental research.

Examples of specific topics include (but are not limited to):

Top-down attention

Spatial cueing

Covert attention and eye movements during visual search

Task influence on attention


Neural modulation

Attention and reward

Attention and learning

Attention and memory

Executive control of attention

Attention and recognition

To prepare their manuscript, authors are asked to follow the
“Guide for Authors”. All papers should be submitted via the EES
online system (http://ees.elsevier.com/vr/default.asp)
and select “Special Issue: Models of Attention”
when asked to indicate the “Article Type” in the submission

Publication Schedule

EES open for manuscript submissions: 1st February – 15th June
Final manuscript submissions to publisher: 1st November 2014
The expected publication date: 31st December 2014

Special Issue Guest Editors

Dr. Miguel Eckstein
University of California, Santa Barbara
Dept. of Psychological and Brain Sciencesmiguel.eckstein@psych.ucsb.edu

Dr. John Tsotsos*
York University
Dept. of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science and Centre for Vision Researchtsotsos@cse.yorku.ca
(416) 736-2100 x70135

Dr. Michael Landy
New York University
Dept. of Psychology and Center for Neural Sciencelandy@nyu.edu
(212) 998-7857

* Managing guest editor

[visionlist] Kaliningrad Cognitive Science Conference deadline extended

The Sixth International Conference on Cognitive Science

The third call for papers

Dear colleagues,

May we inform you that the organizers of the Sixth International Conference
on Cognitive Science, to be held in Kaliningrad (former Konigsberg) on June 23-27, 2014,
on multiple requests have decided to extend the deadline for abstract submission
till December 15, 2013. Abstracts should be submitted via the conference website

The conference is organized by the Russia-based Interregional
Association for Cognitive Studies (IACS), the Interregional foundation
“Centre for the Development of Interpersonal Communication” and Immanuel
Kant Baltic Federal University.

The conference program will include lectures by leading experts in
multidisciplinary cognitive studies. Invited speakers include Susan
Goldin-Meadow (University of Chicago, USA), Arto Mustajoki (University
of Helsinki, Finland),Shinobu Kitayama (University of Michigan, USA),
Rodrigo Quian Quiroga (University of Leicester, UK), and Yadin Dudai
(Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel).

The organizers are considering the possibility to hold an
interdisciplinary school on the ideas and methods of the sciences that
comprise the “cognitive science” complex. Detailed information on the
school’s program will be posted on the conference website in February 2014.

A limited number of grants for young researchers(up to 32 years old)
will be provided, partially covering their travel expenses. More
specific information on these grants will be published on the conference
website in the “For young scientists” section.

In the course of the selection of conference papers, particular
attention will be given to the interdisciplinarity of proposals and their
intelligibility for the representatives of other disciplines.

Decisions of the Program Committee regarding the acceptance of paper
proposals will be made by February 15, 2014.

Conference e-mail: cogsci2014@gmail.com

Program Committee Chair – Andrej A. Kibrik (Institute of Linguistics of
the Russian Academy of Sciences and Lomonosov Moscow State University,

Organizing Committee Chair – Yuri I. Alexandrov (Institute of Psychology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow)

Deputy Chair of the Organizing Committee – Andrey K. Krylov (Institute
of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow)

Conference Secretary – Julia V. Mazurova (Institute of Linguistics of
the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow)

[visionlist] Seeking Students for ‘Brain in Action’ IRTG

(Please forward to anyone who might be interested)
Canadian Neuroscientists at York University (Toronto), Western
University (London), and Queens University (Kingston), in
partnership with Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen and
Philipps-Universität Marburg (Germany) are seeking graduate
students, particularly at the PhD level, for a 2014 start date in
our new ‘Brain in Action’ International Research Training Group
The focus areas of the IRTG are the neuroscience of perception and
action in natural environments, multisensory perception for action,
and internal encoding of action-space. For details, see: http://www.uni-marburg.de/fb13/forschung/neurophysik/brainact/index_html
PhD students enrolled at the Canadian institutions students will
spend at least 6 months of their research project with a
co-supervisor in Germany, and will participate in enriched
collaborative activities such as international seminars, practical
lab courses, and annual IRTG meetings alternating between Germany
and Canada.
Interested students should contact Canadian Investigators in the
program and also apply to their university department programs as
directed. For a list of contacts, see:http://www.uni-marburg.de/fb13/forschung/neurophysik/brainact/pis

This program is currently funded by York, Western and Queens
Universities, in partnership with the German Research Foundation